Plan B

Did you know that from the moment you were conceived God had your whole life planned out?  That’s a pretty awesome thought! But it can be a very depressing thought.   Why?  Well in my case, I totally screwed up God’s initial plan for my life. 

I started out okay.  I became a Christian at age nine.  I worked in the church all through my teen years. But there is this thing in the world called sin.  And sometimes it’s not only what we do that throws us off track, but what is done to us.  And in my case, once I was off-track I did things that drove me further from God and His plan for my life.

But thanks to God’s amazing grace, I am living for Him again.  I want desperately to do His will and work for Him.   One night the devil was really pounding me with thoughts such as, “What makes you think God can use you?”  “Look at what you’ve done, he’ll never use you; you are worthless.” “You messed up His plan for your life; you’re just going to have to live with it.”

But here is what God said to me that night:

“So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.”  Jeremiah 18:3-4

God was telling me that even though I had been marred, the potter (Jesus Christ) was forming the pot (me) and shaping it into another pot.  God had a Plan B for my life.  All I needed to do was rebuke Satan, keep my eyes on Jesus and trust God.

Then the word of the Lord came to me. ‘O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?’ declares the Lord. ‘Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand.’”   Jeremiah 18:5-6a

God has a Plan B for your life.  Just give Him a chance.

About rosemarie854

I was raised in church all my life, and grew up in a fundalmental premilinium king-james version only nazarene church (sorry Ted). I grew up hearing hell, fire and brimstone every week. God was a God of lightning bolts, condemnation and wrath...and “do not” rules. I didn’t learn about his love, his grace or discipleship. My mother ruled the same way. I feared God, and I feared her. So at 19 I rebelled against the church and against her. For the next six years I lived in Houston, Texas where I lived an ungodly life and did things I’m not proud of. But for some reason I was always aware of God. Looking back, God is the only reason I wasn’t dead or in jail. At 26 I found out I was pregnant and married the father. I cleaned up and convinced my new husband to move back to my hometown in an effort to get him away from his drug friends. In my mind I was going home to God. On the move back to Wood River, IL (near St. Louis) he was driving the U-haul truck; I was driving my car, along with my mother and my two-month-old son. Somewhere in the middle of Missouri on I-55 I had a near fatal accident that my mom, my newborn son and I survived only by the grace of God. My then husband said I died in that accident, because I changed. I told him the old me never left Houston. As soon as I was able, I started going back to church and rededicated my life to God. It was a new church and a new pastor. The pastor’s wife took me under her wing and mentored me. I had never experienced real, trustworthy friendship with a female before. She taught me about real friendship, about discipleship, about God’s grace and love, and the Holy Spirit. I have been growing ever since, thanks to her. But I’ve had setbacks because of baggage from my childhood and my past. But I am here to tell you that complete healing and peace comes from Jesus Christ. When I truly submitted my life completely, that is when I found peace from my past. Gone is the baggage, gone are the nightmares, gone is the anxiety, fear and regrets. I'm a child of God, and I am free! The purpose of this blog is to help others still caught in the bondage of the past to find freedom in Christ as I have. May God Bless You, Rose
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1 Response to Plan B

  1. Angie Battle says:

    This is beautiful, precious woman! He is our Redeemer…always!!! 🙂

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